Common Symptoms

Do you suffer from one of the below illnesses or conditions? I may be able to help.



Have you been focusing on diet, exercise and supplements to improve your health but still struggling to regain your energy and vitality?

You are not alone.

There is a growing body of science linking many of our modern day illnesses to environmental factors in our living or work environment. 

These factors include blue light toxicity,  electromagnetic fields (EMF), air quality, chemicals and water quality.

The great news is that these are well within our control.

When we start making small changes in our homes and workplaces, massive changes to our health and wellness are often the end result. 

It can also eliminate or reduce endless visits to doctors and health practitioners for yet another script or supplement, and of course the time, stress and money that goes with it. 

Whilst reducing toxic loads  is especially important for pregnant women, children, chronic disease and EHS sufferers, it should just as equally be embraced by those who want to prevent disease and illness.   

Common illnesses and ailments linked to these  environmental factors which I’d love to help you with include:


sleep problems and insomnia


heavy metal toxicity


chronic or adrenal fatigue


type 2 diabetes


ringing in the ears or tinnitus


autoimmune conditions


learning difficulties


skin complaints


depression or anxiety


heart problems


thyroid problems








behavioural problems


multiple chemical sensitivity


recurrent miscarriages


eye problems i.e. cataracts


electrohypersensitivity (EHS)


allergies and asthma




cancer (past or current)


brain fog




mould sensitivity or CIRS


obesity or weight problems

You may be experiencing one or more of these illnesses or ailments without even realising the cause or a contributing factor is your own living environment.

To get some more information on how I can help you and your particular situation, please get in touch for a Mini Consult. I’d love to help.

Start With a Phone or Email Consult

After you have booked in for your Consult you may receive an Econscious Living screening questionnaire so we can focus on your priorities when we speak.